
Posts tagged dehydration
Wave of Rhabdomyolysis in Oregon High School Football Players

Rhabdomyolysis is caused by severe injury to muscle cells.  The condition is serious, and can lead to kidney failure if not properly treated.  Basically, muscle cells break down and release byproducts in the bloodstream.  One particular protein, myoglobin, is especially hard on the kidneys.  Rhabdomyolysis usually occurs when your average couch-potato decides to head to the gym for the first time in months, pushes his-or herself to the brink of exhaustion, and doesn't drink enough water. So today's NYT story that said twenty-four athletes from McMinnville High School in Oregon were diagnosed at their local hospital with rhabdomyolysis caught my attention.  The players began complaining about symptoms -- which typically include sore/swollen muscles and dark urine --  a few days after an intense preseason workout.

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